Why Should You Clean Your Ducts?
While many people believe that the air outdoors is likely far more polluted than what’s inside, the opposite is often true, especially if the air ducts aren’t regularly cleaned out. This is because dirt and other such substances are brought in with the air that’s used for air conditioning, heating, and ventilation purposes. These things are stuck inside, and gradually accumulate over time. Even worse, these build-ups can begin to grow mold and bacteria. All of this contaminates the air that is spread throughout the building.
How Do Dirty Ducts Affect You?
Poor air quality can cause health troubles for all workers, not just those predisposed due to breathing disorders. People with allergies will be plagued with watery eyes and runny noses, and those without any sort of issue will still wind up fatigued. All this adds up to lower productivity between being slowed down, distracted, or missing work entirely.
Along with this, your energy costs are also suffering. More energy is needed to get enough air through the clogged ducts to disperse throughout the building, so your bill will rise over time.
However, we can assist you with all of this easily!
Our Professionals Are Ready To Go!
We’ll come out and get to work as soon as possible, and do our very best to be done quickly while still being careful. We know that you don’t want your workers distracted for long, so we’ll be efficient and get the job done before you know it. Using the best tools available, we’ll dislodge the dirt and suck it up with a high-powered vacuum, leaving no room for cross-contamination. Your air will be fresher, your employees healthier, and energy costs eased in no time!
Don’t Wait Much Longer!
Rather than letting money slip away from low work output and unnecessary energy spending, call Air Duct Cleaning Richmond now!